Monday, September 21, 2015

Black Pine Sports Turbo Tent - Yes!

We hadn't been camping for a number of years. And the last few times we'd camped, it was in the category of "cheating" a little because we stayed at campgrounds with camping cabins. This year, we decided to give up our sissy ways and get ourselves a tent. For those of you that are backpackers heading out into the rough wilderness, this might still be considered a little too cushy. But for us, it feels just right!

I did a little research and read about Black Pine Sports' Turbo Tents. We purchased the Freestander 6 Person model.The website claims that "it’s so easy that a single person can do it alone," and the video shows it being done in under a minute. Less than one minute!! That's awesome. And true. You simply spread the four corners out, lift the jointed poles up and then push upwards in the middle of it all. Bam! The tent is up.

 Our trial run in the backyard. What a breeze!

Of course you need to spend a few more minutes securing the corners and adding the rain fly if desired, but it is an amazingly simple operation. Black Pine Sports really knows how to make it so you get the job done easily and quickly.

We found the tent to be roomy, with plenty of space inside that we could stand all the way up. We are not short people. The model we have is seven feet in the center and five and a half feet along the walls. No more crouching for us!

We love our new Turbo Tent and can't imagine ever going back to the hassle of finding each pole, threading it through loops and working them together to create tension. Welcome to the twenty-first century, folks. Get a Turbo Tent!!